WOW #032: 7 Principles of Persuasion

newsletter persuasion robert cialdani Mar 20, 2024
pieces of chess pieces symbolizing people. pieces are formed in circles like small groups. all pieces are white, except one in each group which is a different color (representing an influencer or someone who is persuading the others)
Quote of the Week:
“He who wants to persuade should put his trust not in the right argument, but in the right word.”
- Robert Cialdini


As a Marketer, I find the art of persuasion profoundly interesting. 

Think about the most persuasive person you know.

Now ask yourself, how “successful” is that person when it comes to changing the minds of those around them?

There are plenty of business owners with deep knowledge, a command of facts, and the gift of speech.

But how often do persuasive people succeed at the outcome they're trying to achieve?

Robert Cialdini is an American psychologist, marketing professor, and best-selling author. At 78 he's essentially dedicated his life's work to understanding persuasion and influence. 

It's fair to say he knows a thing or two about this topic.

Cialdini summarizes persuasion and influence as being driven by 7 factors:

  1. Authority (we trust experts)
  2. Scarcity (we crave what’s less available)
  3. Likability (we prefer similarities)
  4. Reciprocity (we avoid feeling indebted)
  5. Consistency (we like others that keep their word)
  6. Social Proof (we often do as others do)
  7. Unity (we, opposed to “them”)

Mastering persuasion for your business isn't just about increasing Sales.

There's also convincing investors, attracting employees, negotiating with suppliers, etc.

Persuasion can be practiced and learned, with little to no cost at all.

When done the right way, it might transform you and your business faster than you can imagine. 

2 Takeaways:

  1. Consider Cialdini’s 7 Factors In Your Process. When I owned a gym, Personal Training (PT) was a large portion of our revenue. We always had our Club Manager answer the phone, get the person’s name, and route PT questions to our Head Trainer. Before transferring the call our Manager would say, “Jill, let me transfer you to Jack, our Head Trainer who has over 8 years of experience, one second.” Jack: “Hi Jill, I hear you wanted more information about Training. Can you come in for a :30 discovery meeting this week, right now I have these 3 times available, do any of those work for you?”

    (Back to Cialdini’s 7 factors: Authority. Scarcity. Likability. All built into the process).  
  • Operate Scrupulously and Honestly. The art of persuasion isn’t about pulling off a magic trick or a con. Many times buyers are aware it’s happening, just like we often realize when it’s being done to us. But, if it’s ethical and honest and out in the open - it can change the game. Persuasion in its very nature is subtle and nuanced. 

1 Action:

You are the Architect of your Persuasion Plan. Consider Sales for your business on 3 levels:

  • Long or Short sales cycles?
  • Majority in-person or majority online?
  • Dependent on new customers or repeat customers?

You might be your only sales person (or you might have a small team). This week consider Cialdini’s 7 Factors and brainstorm how you could operationalize more of them, if you aren't already.

Have a great week everyone,


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