WOW #048: Considerations for Personal Branding

andy stanley newsletter Jul 10, 2024
man with headset sitting at desk
Quote of the Week:
“There are things you think…and there are things you say, but do not say everything you think.”
- Andy Stanley

I wouldn’t consider Andy Stanley
famous, but he is very well-known. 

As the Founder and Senior Pastor of North Point Ministries in Atlanta, he leads one of the largest megachurches in the U.S. and has done so since 1995.

It’s a position he seemingly was groomed to hold.

Andy’s father Charles was the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Atlanta for 49 years, and the Founder and best-selling author at In Touch Ministries before his passing in 2023.

Personally, I’ve gained a lot of insight, lessons, and teaching from both men over the years. But this week’s article has little to do with spirituality or religion, it merely serves as the backdrop for a few thoughts I’ll share on Personal Branding.

Personal Branding is the intentional process of defining and expressing your values, skills, and experiences to create a public-facing identity for yourself.  

As the son of a well-known figure, the younger Stanley has overcome many unique challenges:

  • Honoring the family name
  • Stepping out from his Father’s shadow
  • Being “on message” and not alienating others
  • Establishing his own unique voice

It’s hard to imagine how difficult all of that could’ve been.

It’s even harder when you tack on the fact that the Father and Son preaching duo had a very public fall out that took many years to overcome.

A falling out with several core philosophical differences that included:

  • Whom to invite versus others
  • How to publicly explain choosing individuality over responsibility
  • Why sticking to your position matters most, regardless of the collateral damage

In the end, what won out was a hard-to-come-by, yet genuine appreciation for the others’ convictions and beliefs, regardless of the many differences layered in between.

The details aren't that important here, but the lessons gleaned from these two men will serve generations to come.

In life, business, and family: your Personal Brand means everything.

At times, it comes at a great cost, but it’s really one of the few things that we truly own.

2 Takeaways:

  1. Assets and Liabilities Often Co-Exist. How you manage them is key. As mentioned, Andy’s eventual position was one he seemingly was groomed to hold. It was only later when he understood how what helped him get there was the exact same thing that stood in his path, his path to establishing his own brand and his unique voice. Assets and Liabilities aren’t static, they evolve and take new shape and affect your Personal Brand immensely.

  2. The Fullest You is the Best Version. Not “saying everything that you think” in Andy’s quote above might come across as less genuine, when you consider Personal Branding. It may come across as hiding something, but it really underscores that not all thoughts should be shared the moment you have them. Our thoughts are our own, our personal brand is what we choose to share with the world. Your choice to manage private thoughts with public words defines your Personal Brand.

1 Action:

This week jot down 5 words that you feel best express your Personal Brand.

Consider carefully if what you think and what you say align with those words.

Have a great rest of the week,



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