Focus on Your Why, We'll Help with How

article Jul 17, 2023

Striking out on your own isn't new.

In fact, more and more people are joining the fray.

Every. Single. Day. 

Technology enables it. Ambition fuels it. The economy practically necessitates it:

  • The average employee tenure shrinks with every generation.
  • Employee disengagement is currently at record highs.
  • Nearly 38% of employees quit within their first year on the job.
  • In general, people are simply demanding more out of work…

Sure, money plays a large part. That never changes. But time has shown that the satisfaction gained from sharing your expertise makes for a tasty side dish. 

Much of the future lies in the hands of One-Person Businesses:

  • Professionals with valuable expertise that's in demand.
  • Businesses where one (maybe 2) individuals create, promote, sell, fulfill, collect, invest and repeat.
  • A place where Products and Services champion quality and results vs clock-punching busywork.

None of this is easy to pull off. It's exhausting. Overwhelming. Lonely at times. Many One-Person Businesses are started and managed by true Experts (just not in Business). It requires help. Help is one of the hardest things to ask for and yet, the one thing we should ask for most. Many people mistakenly think:

  • It's costly. (there's that money thing again)
  • It's a pride deflator (I'll figure it out)
  • It's time-consuming (I needed a solution yesterday)

One of our many motivators at Peachtree Labs is "to be the How for Your Why." 

  • Deliver on what we know and enjoy doing
  • Help ourselves and our customers along the way
  • Bring our best selves everyday. Live with (and for) the results

Every Wednesday, I share new insights, thoughts, tips, and quotes to move One-Person Businesses forward towards the greatest version of themselves. 

Please join subscribe to my Newsletter, and when you're ready, there are a few ways we can help today:

  1. If you haven't read my eBook, you can get a complimentary copy here.
  2. Learn on your own schedule by purchasing my first online course, "The OPB Operating System."
  3. Reach out to me and inquire about my 1:1 OPB Coaching Services.

Cheers to A Better You and A Better Business,


When you are ready to take the next step, there are ways we can help.

The One-Person Business Operating System provides a time-tested structure for individuals to succeed by owning the morning, focusing on critical business activities and restoring oneself to create a virtuous cycle of gains.

Learn More

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