WOW #015: Giving Thanks and Receiving Thanks

newsletter Nov 22, 2023
Picture of leaves and thanksgiving depicting the Holiday season
Quote of the Week:
“Enough” is a feast."- Buddhist Proverb

Times are heavy now, for a whole host of reasons.No matter who you are or where you are, you don’t have to look far these days to find something that will make your heart feel as if a 45 lb. plate is laying directly on your sternum.On the flip side, you probably don’t have to search very far to find things to be immensely grateful for either.

A year is a predictable measurement of time for many business owners.

We spend the majority of the year thinking about:

  • New client opportunities that slipped through the cracks.
  • When investments we made will pass the inflection point to reach positive ROI.
  • How critical decisions might have played out differently, if reversed?

Then, towards the end of the year, we find ourselves considering the entire year. We start looking past the memorable months, weary weeks, and difficult days that stood out.

The feelings of gratitude and thanks certainly come easier in some years vs. others. And that will usually be the case.

Thanksgiving just happens to be my favorite Holiday…but whether or not you observe it, look forward to it, or get anxiety about awkward dinner conversations…

This year, I hope you’ll set some time aside and think about the concept of “enough.”

What does enough mean for you and your business? What needs to change with your plans, investments, and go-to-market in 2024 if gratitude and thanks were a little harder to come by in 2023?

2 Takeaways:

    1. Enough is a very personal construct. The word itself in English can be an adjective, a pronoun, or an adverb. Enough isn’t just Money. It’s Time. Impact. In-person or remote. Overall Joy. Personal Growth. Do you and your business have a well-defined view of “enough,” and is it genuine and true to your unique business goals?
    2. Regarding Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Operations: Your business today has areas of nowhere near enough, not enough, good enough, and way more than enough. You’ll likely feel the same way about it 6 months from now, and even 12 months from now. Your specific assessment of areas in your business may change, but - enough is never really enough.

1 Action:Give Thanks and Receive Thanks this week:OK, so that’s 2 actions.

That’s all.

Thank you for reading and continuing to support this Newsletter.See you next Wednesday,

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