WOW #020: Happy Holidays and New Year

connection happy holidays happy new year newsletter quality writing Dec 27, 2023
Quote of the Week:
“Words are the arrows. We're the bows. Point us in the right direction and if our aim is true, something really big just might happen.”

- Hubert Kang

When I was little (in school), I had a few teachers pull me aside to tell me they thought I was a pretty good writer. Upon hearing those words, I did what any young, energetic, and enterprising middle schooler would do:

Completely ignore them.

Can you blame me? There were bikes that needed riding, pickup basketball games to crash, and Capture the Flag tournaments at dusk that became the stuff of lunchroom legend the next day.

The strange part about all of it now, is that despite “offline ghosting” my teachers back in the day — I still remember the conversations quite vividly. When you’re young and someone older than you (and in a position of authority), tells you something encouraging, it’s hard to forget.

This is a good reminder for those of us who have partners, younger siblings, kids. Also, for those of us who are people managers, coaches, advisors, counselors, etc.

Ok, that was my Public Service Announcement, and now back to our original scheduled programming.

I’ve always preferred words over numbers.

In a world where so much is decided for us, what we say and how we choose to say it is one of the few things in the world that we can still do on our own.

A book, a song, a stirring sermon, in whichever form they’re displayed — words possess the ability to make a big difference.

I’ve always believed these things, but it’s only recently that I’ve started taking an active role in figuring it all out for myself, and by that I mean:

  • Becoming an active participant.
  • Devoting at least 30 min a day to lock horns with this keyboard.
  • Migrating from writing as a “spectator sport” to a “full-contact, cage match.”

Pardon the battle imagery, but the truth is, it sort of is one if you ask me. It’s like being in a rap battle with myself minus the swaying crowds and hypnotic beats. There’s no one else across from me on stage holding a mic, but the “inner id” inside is formidable and stubborn.

Quality and Connection Win.

Words don’t care where you’re from, how old you are, or what you do for a living. You don’t even have to know who wrote them. The only thing that matters is that someone was motivated and skilled enough to string those words together and someone else was affected by and moved by what they just read.

There’s something very clean and pure and real about the whole experience.

In this final edition of "Wisdom on Wednesday" for 2023, I wanted to remember and record these thoughts as we head into 2024. I've truly enjoyed sharing my thoughts and musings in this forum and look forward to what the next year brings.

Happy New Year and thanks for reading,


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