WOW #007: Happy Customers Make the Best Ads

newsletter Sep 27, 2023
 Quote of the Week:
“Those who say there is no such thing as a stupid question...have never worked in Customer Service.”
- Unknown

Whether you're a solopreneur or a global enterprise, Customer Service is so much more than a single department.

Now that I think about it, when you're managing a One-Person Business for growth and success, Customer Service truly means everything.

No gauge can measure its impact.
No scale can tabulate its weight.

After working for both large and small companies, I've developed a few Hot Takes on Customer Service as it applies to One-Person Businesses, but before that; I'll share a short lead-in story to add more context:

Back in the Summer of 2017, I purchased a gym franchise with a friend of mine who lives in my neighborhood. We had a relatively simple formula:

  • Find a solid business model that could withstand the financial ringer we'd put it through.
  • Agree on a healthy concept, something that would benefit our neighbors and community.
  • Invest in a business that was as close to "recession-proof" as we could find.

Operating a 24/7 gym with an equal equity partner, a handful of employees, and over 1,500 members is a Business Master Class I won't soon forget.

From 2017 to 2022 we managed to grow memberships, reduce cancellations, close and re-open the business due to Covid, emerge from the pandemic like a phoenix, and eventually sell the business to new investors at the end of 2022.

Two words: Customer Service

Without it as our guiding principle, we wouldn't have survived, and certainly would not have had a profitable experience. Former NFL and Hall of Fame Running Back Walter Payton said it best: "When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something, they'll tell you."

And that's essentially what we did: member appreciation days, tchotchke giveaways for referrals, themed events, TLC during Covid. Active listening. We poured everything into Customer Service and listened as our members thanked us. The icing on the cake? Our Corporate parent company later granted us with a "Highest Customer Sat & Retention" Award from over 150 national franchises in the network.

As an OPB, how are you thinking about Customer Service? Are you spending time drawing lines or pushing forward and crossing them?

The opportunities to set yourself apart and make your OPB unforgettable in the eyes of your customers and clients are right in front of you.

3 Takeaways:

  1. Super Serving is a Super Power. It's hard to super serve customers when you work for someone else. However, when you're calling the shots, "bending reality" becomes entirely possible. Going out of your way for a Client is your call, and if jumping through an occasional hoop passes the numbers test, break out the comfy shoes.

  2. Lifetime Value (LTV) is King. $271 dollars. Our corporate parent gave us the historical LTV of a single gym member, which we circled, highlighted, and kept a running tally on for each new sign up. Gaining insights into why you may be below or above your average LTV per customer sheds light on how to best serve new ones. Don't know what the LTV is for your industry? Research, and ask questions.

  3. Solve, then Sell. For OPBs, Customer Service doesn't begin after the sale like it does in larger companies. Demonstrating expertise and know-how will help you get there. It also makes you a good neighbor. Back to the Walter Payton quote above - hearing that you are great is a clear sign that people want to experience more, be in your orbit, and do business with you.

1 Action:

Turn the dial to the right on your current efforts for collecting feedback. This week, ask a few questions on your Social Media channels about customer preferences. Hopefully, you'll collect some direct feedback that just might lead to deeper conversations with a current customer or a prospect you've been wooing lately.

Be personal. Make introductions.

Stand out.

It could make all the difference.

See you next week,

When you are ready to take the next step, there are ways we can help.

The One-Person Business Operating System provides a time-tested structure for individuals to succeed by owning the morning, focusing on critical business activities and restoring oneself to create a virtuous cycle of gains.

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