WOW #016: Storytelling Is Your Ultimate Sales Tool

newsletter Nov 29, 2023
Quote of the Week:
"Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.”
- Seth Godin

Back in 2006, Smith Magazine held an online contest.

They asked the online community at-large to submit 6-word memoirs with prizes for the best submissions.  

The contest went viral in ways the magazine hadn’t expected and before they knew it, submissions were coming in from all over the place: Celebrities. Writers. Athletes. Musicians. 

One story.
Six words.
Your life in a sentence.
What’s Yours?

That year, the winning entry came from a young hairdresser in Minnesota. Her story…?

Not Quite What I Was Planning. 

Re-reading this so many years later, still sends a chill. Raw. Gritty. Empathetic. Vulnerable. It says so much with so little.

Your business has a story that is a direct extension of you. I'm not talking about a slogan or a tagline. It's a mission. A mantra. The reason for why you do what you do and why people should care.

Great storytelling for your business helps:

  • To build trust, familiarity, and connection with your customers
  • To establish the brand and narrative you wish to convey
  • To eliminate word salad traps and add impact to sales calls and conversations

How are you telling your story? The story of your business? The stories that resonate with customers, keeps them coming back, and is easy for them to share with others?

2 Takeaways:

  1. There's a Storyteller in All of Us. Your customers aren't expecting a riveting TED Talk or a political stump speech. However, they are expecting a clear, elegant, and direct message about why they should consider doing business with you. They may not necessarily be anticipating a story that wows them, which is where your hard work comes in. How you tell your story isn't a box to be checked off, it's a strategic sales and marketing exercise that takes time to perfect. And it's extremely worthwhile.

  2. You Are the Hero of Your Story. Every story needs a hero, and in the case with your business, that's you. Remember that there's a difference between a hero and a salesperson. A hero is someone that everyone roots for, someone that connects. Platitudes, slogans, and pedigree don't carry a lot of weight in these stories. Tell people your “why” in a way that inspires, and your Marketing and Sales efforts will thank you. When you take the time to craft a good story, it’ll be your best sales tool.

1 Action:

Consider Paul Smith’s “CAR framework” from his book, “Lead with a Story.”

The CAR framework stands for Context, Action, and Result. Run this 3-step framework and fill it in using inputs, metrics, and quotes from your last successful customer engagement.

If you don't already have a collection of case studies to share with prospects, this could be your first. 

Six words can tell a lot. 

What might you do with even more?

See you next week,

[email protected] 

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