WOW #009: Summon the Power of Sleep

newsletter Oct 11, 2023
Quote of the Week:
"It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it."
- John Steinbeck

Yes, today we're talking about sleep. A third of our lives. That block of unconsciousness that falls between work and more work. 

Consistent, quality sleep is something that's managed to elude me for chunks of my adult years.

My problem? It's all in my head. As in, I can't seem to turn the day's thoughts and musings off long enough to meet Mr. Sandman on time. It's been said by many professional golfers that the most important distance in golf is the six inches between your ears.

At night my mind tends to race. When the lights go out and everyone else is asleep, my brain synapses start firing as if I were standing lakeside at a 4th of July BBQ.

Last week I was in a customer meet and greet on Zoom and we were discussing the importance of Wrapping Up, Handing Off, and Shutting Down; key elements we discuss in our OPB-OS online course. In other words, getting yourself fully prepared for that “time between work and more work.”

That all-important time when the same committee Steinbeck wrote about, does what it does and adjourns for the morning after a full night of work to get you ready for the day.

I track my slumber with an Oura ring and can attest that on days where I sleep at least 7 hours (with a minimum of 1 hr and 30 mins of deep sleep sandwiched in), I feel much different


On sub-7 hour days, I feel: 

a step behind,
a second slow,
a dollar short,
as if I'd just played tennis left-handed.

As a One-Person Business owner, a lot rides on an extra hour of quality shut-eye. That extra hour (or two) means a lot.  

Great Days vs Average Days are born from small moments:

  • An important conversation with family, friends
  • A conference call with a client or sales prospect
  • An inner dialogue with yourself before making an important decision 

The trifecta of mind, body, and soul are real. Those 3 strings must be in tune for you to sleep like a champ. Conversely, when they are - you’ll attack the following day like a champion’s champion: 

Rest Well. Work Better.

Quality sleep is truly a superpower that lies within and can be yours (if it isn't already). It just might be the most important processor fused onto the motherboard of your business Operating System.

3 Takeaways:

  1. Honor your limits and possibilities when it comes to the 24 hours you've been allotted. When I lived and worked in NYC, I frequently went out to dinner at 9:30 and strolled up to client presentations the next day at 9. There are a host of reasons why I don't do that anymore. Scheduling quality sleep is a healthy forcing function and an OPB demands it in ways that working for others doesn't.

  2. All businesses come with pitfalls and setbacks that you can’t “outwork” no matter who you are. Someone leaves, a customer cancels, material prices suddenly skyrocket. What you can't control (past or present) has to exit the mind in order to leave room for positivity. Don’t let something that bothers you for days turn into weeks or months. Keep the negatives on the aisle seats where they can exit easily, while you enjoy the window. 

  3. Create “On-Demand” worry time vs “Live Streaming.” If you know that there are big obstacles in your way that will take some time to clear, do what you can to timebox them. Set aside :30 or an hour on certain days to dive into those business issues and list some positive actions next to them that can provide a solution. Give the worries their due and move onto something else. 

1 Action:

This week gets a little tactical. If something in your business is stirring your brain lately, try the 3-2-1 Sleep method for a few days: 3 Hours before bedtime (no food or alcohol). 2 hours before bedtime (no work). 1 hour before bedtime, (no computers or screens). Then, monitor your sleep hours and morning mood on those days.

Use your devices, don't let them use you.

Until next time, have a productive and rejuvenating week,

*Drop me a line sometime, I'd enjoy hearing from you, [email protected] 

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The One-Person Business Operating System provides a time-tested structure for individuals to succeed by owning the morning, focusing on critical business activities and restoring oneself to create a virtuous cycle of gains.

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