WOW #001: Just Add Water

newsletter Aug 16, 2023
Quote of the Week:
"The method for health promotion is based on water, as flowing water never grows stale. The idea is not to overdevelop or overexert, but to normalize the function of the body."
- Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee thought a lot about water. In fact, the phrase "Be Like Water" from his teachings and manuscripts has become almost synonymous with the legendary martial artist himself. The bottom line is that:

Water energizes. 
Reduces fatigue. 
Flushes out toxins. 
Flows and takes the shape it inhabits.

Water makes up 73% of our brains and 60% of our bodies. 

Our health is dependent on water. And what's more important than health?

3 Takeaways:

  1. "Flowing water never grows stale." When you stumble upon a babbling brook, or an active stream - clean nourishment might be right at your feet. If we sit idle for too long, or procrastinate, we too…become stale. Our results suffer. If enough time passes, our life, health and work begins resembling sitting pools of still water. Keep flowing. Your health and business will thank you.

  2. "Overdevelopment and over-exertion are not the answer." Outworking a chaotic day isn't a solution. Not for the long haul. It takes a toll. A pound of flesh. For the one-person businesses we serve, we always lead with establishing proper systems. Developing and installing a routine is the quenching water your business needs. If you are burning the candle at both ends, what are you willing to change? What does a focused, healthy you mean for your business…your clients?

  3. "Normalizing function of the body." Bodies are complex. One-person businesses can be as well. In both cases, it's just you. When we are healthy captains of the ships we sail, we free ourselves up to be experts in demand. In business, we see "normal functions" as you showcasing the expertise that launched your OPB. How much time are you spending in the business vs on the business? Is it robbing your energy or restoring it?

1 Action:

As soon as you wake up, drink 16 oz of water. Remind yourself with each refreshing quaff that You Are The Water For Your Business. Meditate on that short mantra as you begin each day: 

To Energize. 
To Reduce fatigue. 
To Flush out the bad and hydrate the good.
To Flow and take the shape you imagine.

A popular trope recently highlighted the importance of value: the same water that’s sold at a supermarket, a hotel bar, a nice restaurant - all come with very different price tags. 

Be the water for your business. 

Become the value your business creates.


When you are ready to take the next step, there are ways we can help.

The One-Person Business Operating System provides a time-tested structure for individuals to succeed by owning the morning, focusing on critical business activities and restoring oneself to create a virtuous cycle of gains.

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