WOW #002: Navigating Your One-Person Business

newsletter Aug 23, 2023
Quote of the Week:
"See, when you drive home today, you've got a big windshield on the front of your car. And you've got a little bitty rearview mirror. And the reason the windshield is so large and the rearview mirror is so small is because what's happened in your past is not near as important as what's in your future."
- Joel Osteen

Most people remember negative experiences more than positive ones.


Psychologists believe it has evolutionary roots. Survivalism. A way of protecting ourselves against touching a hot stove again, or falling for something that seemed too good to be true. Steven Denn said, "You can never make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it, it's not a mistake, it's a choice."

We aren't suggesting that the majority of past events are negative by any means. However, oftentimes the things that stick out to us the most in business ownership, are the bad things. Many business owners spend a greater amount of effort and energy on avoiding pain vs. pursuing pleasure.

Think back to when you first started your business. At that moment, you were at the peak of optimism. 

The windshield was clear. The rear view mirror barely registered.

Truth is, you are a different person now than when you made that original leap of faith. There are likely some decisions that worked really well and some that got turned upside down.

 How does the windshield look today? Does it currently feel like an expansive horizon of possibilities, or are the corners of the glass starting to shrink inwards? The vantage point you’re surveying right now is telling you something: 

Pump the brakes?
Turn around?

The most successful one-person businesses acknowledge the rear view mirror, but direct their energy towards the windshield.

When you're in growth mode and driving your business forward, the more often you glance at the rear view mirror, the less likely you are to spot the opportunities in front of you.

  • Opportunities to grow or shift your business
  • Opportunities to fixate on what must be done now to reach your desired destination
  • Opportunities to turn setbacks into valuable lessons instead of negative memories

3 Takeaways:

  1. "Driving a car requires you to look forward. Your business is no different.” Looking backwards and reliving the pangs of disappointment or botched opportunities is a selfish act. It won't make the medicine go down any easier. Chances are, you are probably the only one who truly cares about the past history of your one-person business. You decide how long any negativity stays within your orbit.

  2. "Use the Two-Thirds Rule. All we really have are the past, the present, and the future.” Use the one-third that's already occurred to improve the two-thirds that you can affect right now. This isn't easy to track, but you know when you're regressing. One bad day is acceptable. Expected even. A few days in a row though is when it starts becoming something much worse.

  3. "Windshields can withstand a lot, and so can you." Heavy rain. Seasonal snow. Hot temps. Flying debris. You've probably already solved a few unforeseen challenges in your journey thus far. The farther along you travel, the more will come. Keep in mind: when you exercise, your mind gives up before your body does. You're almost always capable of handling more exertion. Apply that same thinking with your one-person business. 

1 Action:

Devote at least 20 minutes every morning to reflect, and assign a portion of your reflection time to the rear view mirror. The past is for learning, not dwelling. If you find yourself meditating on something that didn't go the way you wanted it to, take note and remember what might improve matters the next time.

The past is prologue…

But the open road awaits,


When you are ready to take the next step, there are ways we can help.

The One-Person Business Operating System provides a time-tested structure for individuals to succeed by owning the morning, focusing on critical business activities and restoring oneself to create a virtuous cycle of gains.

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