WOW #045: Repurpose Your Purpose

newsletter Jun 19, 2024
word repurpose written with blocks
Quote of the Week:
“To repurpose an old thought, idea, or memory to a new purpose is the height of creativity.”
- Steve Supple


Content Creation is a tough slog.

I’m not a prolific content creator by any means, but as you are making your way through this 45th issue of the “Wisdom on Wednesday,” I’m reminded that exactly 45 weeks and approximately 25,000 words have passed since I started this newsletter.

That’s a lot of words.

Here's a quick frame of reference from a few famous books and authors:

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (25,189 words, published in 1915)

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (23,760 words, published in 1895)

Anthem by Ayn Rand (22,239 words, published in 1938)

This is by no means an attempt to insert myself amongst the rarefied air of such renowned literary legends, rather a show of respect for anyone (past and present), who invests time in producing original content.

It is striking to think that with a subscription to OpenAI’s Chat GPT 4o 32K-version, you can have 25,000 words either analyzed or written almost instantaneously.

It further boggles the mind to know that every passing day was a worse version of the same tools from Open AI that improve every single day.

All of which brings me to a few points for this week's issue regarding Repurposing Content to promote your business:

  1. If you aren't repurposing content now, you should immediately. It's easier than ever with today's tools.
  2. Your Purpose (your business, your North Star, your modus operandi), feeds off of repurposed content.

Tools like Canva, Audacity, Adobe, Tableau (and countless others), have completely transformed the repurposing process. They all work together to turn MailChimp Newsletters into YouTube shorts, WordPress blogs into emailed infographics, Apple podcasts into Instagram posts. 

Content has never been easier to create while at the same time, it has never been harder to stand out.

Repurpose Your Purpose. Then do it again.

2 Takeaways:

  1. Repetition, Reinforcement, and ReinventionPart of your decision-making process when choosing what to put out into the world to promote your business is considering how it will render across different formats and audiences.

  2. The Medium Is The Message. It's Marshall McLuhan’s famous quote that still rings true today. The Mediums we choose to communicate with are just as important as the actual messages contained within. 

1 Action:

This week, take a few minutes to revisit what I've always called one of the classic digital marketing lessons of our time, Gary Vaynerchuk’s “64 Pieces of Content A Day” presentation. 

It's an oldie (2019), but a goodie. Some of the names and logos have changed, but the game remains the same.

Have a great week everyone,


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