WOW #052: The Farewell Issue, Thanks for Reading!

newsletter Aug 07, 2024
Quote of the Week:
“Just play every hand, you can’t miss them all.”
- Sammy Farha

Ever wondered why a deck consists of 52 cards?

Some say it has to do with how we look at a year’s time:

  • 52 cards…52 weeks
  • 4 suits (king, queen, ace, jack), 4 seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter)
  • Red and Black: Day and Night
  • 365 days? 365 is what you get when you total the value of each of the 52 cards: add a point for the Joker to make 365, another point for the other Joker (leap year) to make it an even 366

Who really knows?

We search for meaning in the little things.

A coincidence here. An assumption turned conviction there. A nugget of wisdom once forgotten and later brought to the surface.

For the last year, I've shared some thoughts on wisdom and business ownership from my little corner of the world. 

Along the way, I’ve quoted numerous philosophical giants such as Jim Carrey, Jon Bon Jovi, and Pat Sajak. What can I say, wisdom is found in the most unexpected of places.

At the end of the day, Wisdom is what we make it. Sharing it is a good practice.

I hope you've enjoyed my musings. Life and Business have different seasons. And seasons change. 

So do we.  

If a single card represents a single day, a lot can change in 24 hours. Shuffling the deck has a way of doing that.

Suddenly, it’s a new hand. A renewed outlook. A new bet. 

Wherever this finds you in your journey, I’m thankful you joined me in mine. 

No takeaways.
No actions.
Just good thoughts.
Life is rich, be good.


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The One-Person Business Operating System provides a time-tested structure for individuals to succeed by owning the morning, focusing on critical business activities and restoring oneself to create a virtuous cycle of gains.

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